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privacy by design

The protection of consumer privacy has always been a fundamental guideline in the development of Quividi’s technology. Our software is designed to provide insightful data by means of fully anonymous measurements.

Aggregated Data

Quividi’s software employs advanced facial detection software, not facial recognition technologies. Audience data is generated from aggregate measurements of passers-by: think of it as a “smart turnstile”.

limited data collection

Quividi’s software never collects any information that is uniquely associated to an individual; demographics are assessed purely from visual cues. All video processing is performed locally in real time so that no image needs to be recorded or transmitted.

We do not record any personal image. We do not follow people around. Ever.

Quividi’s software is privacy protecting
and complies with the requirements imposed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


The Quividi software relies on face detection and face analysis, not on face recognition. These are two different technologies. Face detection only looks for the presence of a face whereas facial recognition looks for and identifies a particular person.

This means that the Quividi software cannot recognize an individual, either in absolute terms (full identity) or in terms of repeated exposures (e.g. recognizing that someone was at a sequence of different locations, or visited the same location twice).

The Quividi software can only determine if some anonymous individual is looking at a given interest point, for how long, estimate their basic demographic characteristics such as gender and age, and mood.

While Quividi strives to improve the range of attributes that it can use to qualify an audience, it will never produce uniquely identifiable data.

As opposed to the techniques that rely on face recognition or on smartphone tracking, the Quividi software is fully ignorant of the consumers’ individual habits (such as how often they visit the place, where they go before and after, what they consult online, etc).

The Quividi software cannot recognize that a person was at a sequence of different locations, or visited the same location twice. 

If a person leaves the field of view of the camera sensor and comes back, the Quividi software will think that this is a new person as it has no memory of the face it saw previously.  

Quividi’s mission is merely to count and describe the audience which walks in front of a peculiar point of interest, and forget about that audience as soon as it has walked out of the field of view of the camera sensor.

No, Quividi only stores anonymous “metadata” that describes the size and the demographics of an audience.

Quividi doesn’t store any uniquely identifiable data, doesn’t record any image or video. Our algorithm processes video stream on the fly, all data is processed locally in real time, at the player level (which is sometimes also called ‘on the edge’). 

For each detected watcher, the Quividi software estimates:

– the gender (male or female)

– the age (either in bracket or in absolute value)

– the presence of glasses, beard and mustache

– the mood (from very unhappy to very happy)

– the total dwell time while in the field of view of the video sensor

– the total attention time (i.e. the time when a person’s face is turned towards the video sensor)

– the position and distance from the video sensor

In addition to the above data, which is produced for each individual viewer, Quividi also estimates the total footfall in front of the video sensor.

Quividi is the “data processor”. All the anonymous audience measurement data generated by our software is securely encrypted and  uploaded onto our servers, which only our clients can access.

Quividi clients are the “data controllers”: the anonymous data is never resold or shared to any third party without their consent.

When a Quividi solution is in operation, consumers get the power to “vote with their face”. Marketers and advertisers can now understand what they are interested in, and what gets them to look away; they are enticed to respond to consumers’ preferences in a non-obtrusive fashion.

Quividi’s VidiReports software has been audited by German privacy specialist ePrivacy GmbH in 2018. They stated its compliance with their criteria catalogue, which includes the requirements imposed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).